Veneer Slicing Techniques
There are many ways in which logs can be sliced to produce veneer. Each alternative cutting method will produce a different grain pattern which can be matched and stitched to achieve the specific aesthetic required for your project.
There are 3 main slicing methods as shown below.
Quarter Cut or Straight Grain veneer is sliced to produce a very linear grain. To produce this grain structure in the veneer leaf, the log is cut into quarters and the knife slices perpendicular to the growth rings. With Quarter Cut or Straight Grain veneer slicing, you will achieve consecutive/running leaves which will allow you to slip and book match successfully.
Crown Cut veneers have a prominent cathedral grain structure, the log is cut in half and each leaf is flat cut across the length of the log as shown in the video below. As with quarter cut veneers, crown cut veneers are produced with consecutive leaves and allows for book and slip matching. This makes this veneer grain perfect for wall panels, furniture and doors where consistency and a matching sequence is required.
Rotary Cut veneers are produced by the whole round log being turned against the blade with the leaves of a veneer being peeled from it as if unrolling it from the outside in. You can see in the video below how the log is pinned at either end to secure it for slicing.
Rotary cutting veneer can produce wider leaves however are likely to be shorter in length. Cutting the veneer leaves from the log in this way produces a more random, inconsistent grain pattern and therefore does not allow for matching faces.
This veneer slicing method is also used for Burr species, Birds Eye Maple and species such as our Tabu Pre-dyed Figured Sycamore. You will see a more flowery background grain pattern with less structure than the Quarter Cut or Crown Cut veneers.